School One enjoys an outstanding reputation for the quality of our instructional programs, the professionalism, and dedication of our faculty, the academic achievement of our students, and the involvement of our parents. School No. 1 honors and celebrates its diversity with over 25 different languages spoken at home. Our constructivist approach to education best addresses the needs of our diverse student population, based upon the strong belief that all children can learn. We celebrate our success in meeting the needs of all of our students, and, as such, fifty per cent of our classrooms are collaborative. As such, staff members constantly research and implement best practices to meet the needs of all students to best support their cognitive and effective progress. Data analysis drives instruction where all students’ progress is tracked to ensure that individual instructional needs are being met. Included in our outstanding academic program, our specialists provide extensive music skills, before school physical activity through our Boks program along with a well-rounded physical education program including nutrition; technology integration through our library/media program and art history as well as hands on approach in our artistic skills practice.
School One fosters, through our dedicated staff, an environment that allows students to feel safe, secure, and comfortable taking risks, while meeting our rigorous academic standards.